Strategic Planning is Dead – Long Live Strategy Execution

El Boletín Electrónico de la confederación CEDE nos brinda este interesante artículo (en inglés), escrito por Norman Wolfe y recogido de la web de Fast que habla de un nuevo concepto de la planificación estrategica para los tiempos que corren.

In the traditional approach to strategic planning, the CEO and executive team participate in a offsite planning session, where they evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, (the classic SWOT analysis), set the future direction for the organization, and map out specific action plans to achieve the desired results.  They then go back and communicate these well thought-out plans to the rest of the organization with “marching orders” as to what the various functional departments will each carry out. But herein lies the failing; the environment now changes at a rate faster than the planning horizon.  Said simply, the marketplace dynamics will have changed significantly before the organization has a chance to realize its planned results. 

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