The Duke of York pays for his links to convicted paedophile

The Duke of York paid the price for his association with a convicted paedophile as the Government decided to downgrade his role as Britain’s trade ambassador

The Daily Telegraph has learnt that ministers are to carry out a review of his position and that his responsibilities will be reduced. Whitehall sources have conceded that the Duke could still be forced out altogether if there are further damaging disclosures about his personal affairs.

Pressure on the Duke increased when it was established that Jeffrey Epstein, who recently served 18 months in jail for child sex offences, paid off debts owed by Sarah, the Duchess of York, after an alleged intervention from her former husband.

Epstein, who played host to the Duke at his Florida home, a mansion where under age girls were sexually abused, gave £15,000 to the Duchess’s former personal assistant after the Duke allegedly approached him for help last December.

Ver historia completa en The Telegraph (in English)


Ver historia completa en The Telegraph (in English)

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